Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Morning Glory (Preludes) completed!

During the editing the images from the just finished Morning Glory with the second title Preludes were following me everywhere mentally. I was having a hard time concentrating at work and relentlessly was putting in 2-3 hrs each night for at least a week working on the movie. The more I cut and pasted, cropped and rearranged the more I kept thinking about making love. I couldn't quite put my finger on it why it was consuming me to this extent. I felt totally preoccupied and drawn to the project like I have never been drawn to anything. Maybe this is how you feel when you discover your calling, whatever it may be. In any case I also realized that seeing myself and Rick from the outside - what we looked like making love - added another layer to our relationship. I discovered million and one gestures we commit all the time and don't even realize. Our limbs merge and we become one organism with double arms and legs (interesting how the Indian theme continues to come up with this movie). Kama Sutra for the modern world indeed!

It was refreshing to see. I feel proud of this one. Truly. 


  1. Welcome to the world of blogging . . . hope you'll find it as addictive as I have. LOL!!!
    Have already rented your first video on MLNP . . . looking forward to more.
    Xxx - K (Modesty Ablaze on MLNP)

  2. Thank you! This is a new medium for me but I hope to get used to it as a form of self expression. Never though passionate about anything as much to start a blog before! But I am enjoying it ;) MLNP rules!
