Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Creating a Kama Sutra for the modern age...

What our friends at MLNP said about us in today's feature email:
"We squealed with glee when MLNPstars Rickat said that sharing their #realworldsex on was like"creating a new Kama Sutra for the modern world using the tools of the new age," because, well, we couldn't agree more!
If you haven't yet had the chance to become acquainted with this lovely couple, I implore you to check out this stunning video featuring some of the cleverest camera rigging we've seen yet - all the better for capturing the modern day Kama Sutra!
Thank you!!!


  1. Tried email, but it bounced back?

  2. Sorry to hear that! I tried the livejournal email that comes up with your nickname and it also bounced back - maybe something on your end is not working?

    In any case mine is
